Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I don't have any particular reason for taking Japanese, except that I thought it would be interesting and fun to learn. So far, it has been!
I am very interested in art, and I'm planning on becoming a visual art major at Columbia.  Below are some pieces of Japanese art i find beautiful...
I love the way they use colors and patterns.
I think it's also fascinating to see the influence that these traditional prints had on Western art.  Impressionism is one of my other favorite types of art, and they directly borrowed some ideas from Japan.
(On the bottom left is a drawing by Degas, on the right is a painting by Van Gogh )


  1. woah I never knew Japan's drawing has always been somewhat "manga-like."

  2. Those are fantastic paintings. Maybe by the end of the semester you will be able to talk to some Japanese artists!

  3. how cool!!! わたしは" notre dame"がくせいです。せんこうはart history and japanese. The van gogh is so cool, i've never seen that one!

  4. わたしはこのpaintingsがだいすきです!

  5. the japan society has a calligraphy and painting exhibit that just opened not too long ago. perhaps you might enjoy it!

  6. はじめまして。わたしわJeanです。わたしもart(especially impressionism)がだいすきです。If you havn't yet, you should take "Art of 中国、日本、韓国"offered every spring. I took it last year and it was great! The professor actually showed the Van Gogh piece in class too!

  7. ありがとうございます!Thanks for the suggestions, I'll be sure to check that stuff out!
